



babesiosis, piroplasmosis, dog, splenic hemangioma


A splenic hemangioma in a dog is a benign neoplasm that is formed due to the uncontrolled growth of blood vessels in the tissues of the organ. The article presents the results of the study of the influence of babesiosis on the formation of splenic hemangioma in dogs, as well as the study of the frequency of occurrence of this pathology and factors contributing to its development. Morphological and histological characteristics of hemangioma, pathophysiological mechanisms of its formation, as well as risk factors and prognostic markers for improving methods of prevention and early diagnosis of the disease were analyzed. The results of the general clinical blood analysis of dogs with splenic hemangioma revealed a decrease in the levels of erythrocytes and hemoglobin, marked thrombocytopenia and leukocytosis. A decrease in hemoglobin and hematocrit indicates hemolytic anemia and is a sign of anemic syndrome, which indicates morphological changes and dysfunction of all organs and systems. Ultrasound examination of animals revealed a hypoechoic formation of a rounded shape, with a heterogeneous structure, signs of pathological blood flow and clear edges. An X-ray showed a hypoechoic area and an enlarged spleen with characteristic tissue changes. Histological examination of the organ after splenectomy showed that the spleen tissue contains multiple vessels of small diameter of the capillary type, which are located in the fibrous stroma and form a mesh of various shapes. The entire tumor consists of endothelial tubes, which in differential diagnosis helps to distinguish hemangioma from malignant neoplasms, such as hemangiosarcoma. Thus, it has been investigated that an increase in the functional load on the spleen can cause pathological changes that contribute to the formation of benign neoplasms, such as hemangioma. This process may be associated with impaired blood circulation, changes in hemodynamics, angiogen activation, and long-term exposure to infections, including babesiosis.


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