tax revenues; income; budget; taxes; GDP.Abstract
Taxes are the main source of budget replenishment at the state and local levels. Thanks to tax revenues, the state can fulfill the functions assigned to it and guarantee the implementation of expenditure items of the budget of Ukraine. Today, in the conditions of a military conflict, the reduction of production and the shutdown of enterprises due to the pandemic that has swept the world, the issues of the formation of state budget revenues are acquiring special acute importance. The methods used by the author's generalizations, analytical and statistical calculations, and comparisons made it possible to systematize the digital material of the study and substantiate the conclusions on the formation and receipt of tax payments to the State Budget of Ukraine. The article studies the features of the formation of incomes of the State budget of Ukraine The main directions of the analysis of the budget revenues have been systematized. A comprehensive analysis of the structure of the revenue side of the consolidated budget of Ukraine for 2016-2020 was carried out. The share of the consolidated budget revenues in GDP has been determined. The analysis of the dynamics of incomes of the State budget of Ukraine in terms of GDP is carried out. The conducted research shows that the consolidated budget revenues of Ukraine are formed by 82% at the expense of tax revenues. The share of indirect taxes dominated tax revenues. Indirect taxes provide stable revenues to the budget, thus have a regressive nature or inversely proportional dependence on the paying capacity of consumers. In the structure of revenues, non-tax revenues are unpredictable, so it is necessary to improve legislation and look for new ways to fill the budget. Recommendations are given for improving the revenue side of the budget through a number of changes, which in the future will help increase revenues, implement employment policies and create a barrier to the use of shadow tax payment schemes.
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