innovations, innovation activity, regional innovation system, investments, investment support, investment policy.Abstract
Regions at the present stage of economic development are beginning to play a significant economic, social and technological role in the formation of the territorial infrastructure of each particular country. Stable development of the regions is possible only under the condition of strong and continuous investment and innovation stimulation of the regional economy. The theoretical and methodological basis of the study were the fundamental provisions of general economic theory, as well as scientific works of domestic and foreign scientists on the problems of investment development of the regions of Ukraine. To achieve this goal, modern research methods are used: system analysis - in the study of theoretical and methodological foundations of investment support for the development of the regions of Ukraine .; abstract-logical - to clarify the essence of the basic concepts, definitions and categories of the theory of investment support for the development of the regions of Ukraine; comparative - to compare economic phenomena in different time periods in order to identify the causal link. The article also used such research methods as monographic, comparative-analytical, observation, as well as a tabular method of presenting information. The article analyzes the dynamics of investment in fixed capital by type of economic activity. The interrelations of investment activity and results of management in the agrarian sector of the regions of Ukraine are revealed and estimated. The interrelation of innovative development and investment activity of the regions of Ukraine is revealed. Features of investment activity of Ukraine are considered, modern approaches and visions are noted. The conditions for successful implementation of economic modernization through the introduction of innovations in the context of globalization are highlighted. Factors of development of investment and innovation attractiveness are considered. Ways to improve investment and innovation capacity in the regions are proposed. The main problems and factors influencing investment activity and investment attractiveness of the country are covered. The classification of investments on various signs, in particular on objects of investment of funds, on character of participation in investment, on the investment period, on a form of ownership of investors, on a regional sign is resulted. An analysis of the dynamics of the volume of foreign direct investment in Ukraine, which allowed us to identify the periods of the most significant fluctuations and identify the reasons that influenced such changes. The reasons for the reduction of investments in special (free) economic zones and in the territories of priority development, as well as opportunities and prospects for attracting investments in these zones and territories are considered. Ways and conditions for improving the investment climate in the country have been identified, and it will provide an opportunity to increase foreign direct investment inflows and the financing of general capital investments.
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