
  • V.A. Kozhyn
  • V.V. Horiuk
  • M.D. Kukhtyn
  • Болтик Н. П.



disinfection; minimal bactericidal action; catamine; pH of solutions; S. aureus; E. coli.


Disinfection of veterinary facilities is an important tool for disease prevention and contamination of livestock products with saprophytic and pathogenic microflora. A wide range of disinfectants used in the national economy is due to the fact that in the process of long-term use is the adaptation of the microflora to disinfectants. The aim of the work is to determine the minimum bactericidal concentration of a quarter of ammonium compound - catamine at different pH values of solutions. The experiment used certified strains of Staphylococcus aureus №209-P and Escherichia coli ATCC 25922. Determination of the minimum bactericidal concentration of catamine was performed by serial dilutions with exposure of test cultures in solutions for 10 and 20 minutes. The experiment used three pH values of alkaliadjusted catamine solutions 7.0, 9.0 and 11.0 (NaOH). The results of studies on the effect of pH on the bactericidal activity of catamine solutions against S. aureus revealed that with increasing pH there is an increase in its bactericidal effect, especially when comparing the minimum bactericidal action of catamine at pH 7.0 and 11.0 units. When the pH of the solutions was increased to 9.0 units, the minimum bactericidal concentration within 10 min of exposure did not change compared with the pH of the solutions of 7.0 units. At the same time, at an exposure of 20 min, the minimum bactericidal concentration decreased by one dilution to 0.025% against 0.035% at a pH of 7.0 units. Increasing the pH to 11.0 units enhanced the bactericidal effect of the solutions, compared with pH 9.0 and 7.0 units. In particular, the minimum bactericidal concentration during 10 min of exposure was 0.035%, which is one dilution less than at pH 9.0 units and at 20 min of exposure was 0.025%, which is also one dilution less compared to pH 7.0 units. It was found that E. coli is more resistant than S. aureus to catamine solutions. In particular, in a neutral medium, the minimum bactericidal concentration of catamine was 0.0691% during 10 min of exposure and one dilution less (0.050%) for 20 min of exposure. When using catamine solutions at pH 9.0 units, the minimum bactericidal concentration per dilution was reduced to 0.050% for 10 min of exposure and to 0.035% for 20 min of action, which is one dilution less than the action of catamine in a neutral medium. At pH values of catamine solutions of 11.0 units, the minimum bactericidal concentration within 10 min of exposure did not change compared with the pH of solutions at 9.0 units (0.050%). However, a decrease in the minimum bactericidal concentration during 20 min of exposure was found to be 0.025%, which is one dilution less than solutions at pH 9.0 and two dilutions less than at pH 7.0. Therefore, the obtained results give reason to believe in the prospects for the use of catamine in detergents with high pH without a possible reduction of the bactericidal effect.


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