
  • M. V. Kryzhanivskyi Higher Educational Institution “Podillia State University”
  • O. M. Bakhmat Higher Educational Institution “Podillia State University”



Soy, variety, seed inoculation, organic fertilizers, inoculants, microbiological preparations, yield, quality.


The influence of a complex of technological factors on the formation of the yield and quality of seeds of different-ripened soybean varieties was studied. The ratio of measures to accelerate the growth and development of plants, increase the leaf surface area, and enlarge the yield and quality of seeds of the studied varieties was revealed. As established by research in the cultivation of heterogeneous soybean varieties in the conditions of the Right-Bank Forest- Steppe, a necessary element of technology is the bacterization of seeds with highly effective bacteria, as well as spraying crops with a biological product Hetomik against the background of green manure. The results of the research show that the application of green manure, inoculation of seeds with strain 614A, and spraying of crops with Hetomik of Angelica soybeans contribute to high germination energy – 95% and seed germination – 95%, while in the control this indicator was – germination energy – 85%, germination 80 %. The studies have established that the quality indicators of soybean seeds of the Legend variety largely depended on the inoculation. The maximum content of crude protein at the level of 34.2-34.9% was observed in soybean seeds in the variant where pre-sowing inoculation was carried out with strains 634b and 614A. In the control variant (without treatments and sideration), the protein content in soybeans averaged 33.3%. Treated seeds retain the characteristics and properties characteristic of the variety. The best guarantee of the effectiveness of soybeans is seeds of high quality. The quality of seeds, their economic and biological quality is determined by many factors and is confirmed by production needs. The authors established that seed inoculation with strain 634b increased the protein content in seeds compared to the control in the Legend variety by 1.6%. The analysis of the oiliness of the seeds proved that the highest oil content (21.4%) was in the variant with seed treatment with strains 634b and 614A against the background of green manure application.


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