
  • I.I. Senyk




intermediate crops; agrophytocenoses; fodder productivity; the Pannonian vika; feed units; exchange energy.


Among the factors that determine the efficiency and success of the livestock industry is the science-based production of high quality feed. The solution to this problem is impossible without field feed production, engaged in the cultivation of annual mixtures. Among the large number of forage crops in the western forest-steppe are worthy of annual mixtures, in particular winter, which is highly valued for adaptability to growing conditions, especially in climate change. Despite the considerable part of the conducted researches on the development of technology of cultivation of winter forage crops, the question of optimization of their component composition and increase of stability of the most economically valuable species in the conditions of climate change remains relevant. Field studies were conducted in accordance with the common methods of forage production at the collection and research field of the Separate unit of the National University of Bioresources and Nature Management of Ukraine «Zalishchyky Agricultural College. E. Khraplyvy» during 2016-2018. On the basis of the experimental data, the optimal elements of the technology of cultivation of agrophytocenoses of Pannonian Viking with rye winter and triticale winter for the conditions of the Western Forest Steppe were identified. It was found that the highest yield of 1 ha of fodder units and exchange energy among the grass-root mixtures (4.50 t and 62.8 GJ) was agrophytocenosis, which included the cultivation of Pannosk in the amount of 2.5 million / ha of similar seeds with winter rye - 75% of the total sowing rate in single-species sowing, and among the ex-tritical (5.09 t and 64.6 GJ) - variant with sowing of the same seeding rate of legume component and winter triticale - 25% of the total sowing rate in single-species sowing. Pannonian wiki seeds in both variants were treated before sowing growth promoter. The results of the research will help to strengthen the forage base for animal husbandry and increase the productivity of farm animals.


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