surface treatment; harrow-cultivator; loosening; crushing.Abstract
Using of combined tools in the system of soil preparation for sowing allows to reduce energy and labor costs per unit of cultivated products while maintaining soil fertility with maximum economic effect. When preparing the soil for sowing, it is important to create a fine-grained soil structure using simple machines and tools. The purpose of research is improving the quality of the structural condition of the soil in preparation for sowing using the simplest and most productive tools and machines, reducing the specific high-energy costs of preparing the soil for sowing crops. The use of a combination of working bodies for loosening the soil in one machine allows you to intensify the process of crushing the soil and expand the range of use of the machine or tool to prepare the soil for sowing crops. One of the ways to solve the problem of quality soil preparation for sowing crops is the use of high-performance combined multi-operational units, which in one pass provide loosening, leveling the soil surface and its necessary compaction. Such units prevent over-compaction of the soil, which is typical for traditional cultivation, and due to the formation of a well-dissolved surface layer reduce moisture evaporation. The comparative analysis of agrotechnical indicators of work of a harrow cultivator, which was executed on the basis of field tests, allowed to establish that increase of coefficient of quality of loosening of soil on 14 ... 17%, coefficient of quality of crushing on 10 ... 17,6% in comparison with serial harrows expands functionality of using a harrow-cultivator with experimental bending teeth allows to improve the quality of tillage, increase productivity and reduce energy costs.
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