research; radiation; corrugation; reflection coefficient; fairing; opened; waveguide.Abstract
The article proposes to experimentally investigate the corrugated conical emitter in order to confirm the theoretical calculations of the reflection coefficient of the electromagnetic field from the opening of the investigated corrugated conical emitter. Research is based on the influence of electromagnetic fields on the physicochemical processes in biological objects. Theoretical studies have shown that for industrial use requires a radiator with a frequency range of 30-31 GHz and a diameter of not more than 30 mm, which should provide a width of the radiation pattern within 24-30 mm. For practical purposes, it is necessary to estimate the reflection coefficient of the calculated corrugated emitter. For the study we use a conical corrugated irradiator, the length of which from the opening to the phase center is 21 mm. The diameter of the radiating aperture is 25 mm. The basic geometrical parameters of the corrugation: h = 2.5 mm, c = 1.25 mm, b = 1.25 mm. To feed the transmitter under consideration, a transition from a rectangular waveguide with a cross section of 7.2 × 3.4 mm to a circular diameter of 7 mm is used. Measurements were made at 30 GHz. Since the modulus of the reflection coefficient of the emitter must be close to zero, the method of reflectometer must be used for accurate measurements.
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