
«Podilian Bulletin: agriculture, engineering, economics» - is an electronic scientific journal, which highlights the results of fundamental and applied research in the key directions of the state's development: agriculture, economy, technology, management, veterinary medicine. 

Founder: Higher educational institution «Podillia State University»

Founded: 1995 

ISSN: 2706-851X (online)2706-9052 (print)

DOI: 10.37406/2706-9052

Registration of on-line media entity: Decision of the National Council of Television and Radio Broadcasting of Ukraine No. 2330 as of 11.07.2024 (Media ID: R40-05094)

The journal is included in the "B" category of the List of scientific professional editions of Ukraine: the Order of MES of Ukraine as of 02.07.2020 No. 886 (annex 4), the Order of MES of Ukraine No. 1188 as of 24.09.2020 (annex 5) 

Specialties: С1 Economics, D1 Accounting and Taxation, D2 Finance, Banking, Insurance and Stock Market, D3 Management, D6 Secretarial and Office Management, D5 Marketing, G11 Mechanical Engineering (with specializations), H1 Agriculture, H2 Livestock Breeding, H6 Veterinary Medicine

Language of publication: Ukrainian, English.

Periodicity: 4 times a year.

«Podilian Bulletin: agriculture, engineering, economics» is registered in scientometric databases Index Copernicus International and DOAJ.

The professional edition publishes the peer-reviewed results of scientific research in the field of agricultural, technical, economic knowledge, management and veterinary medicine, which expand and deepen the understanding of the most important scientific problems, which contributes to the development of modern science and technology and provides opportunities for scientists and researchers to disseminate in the open electronic Internet spacious scientific ideas, theoretical and practical developments for testing and implementing the results of experiments.