



innovation, innovative educational environment. innovative activity, institutions of higher education, innovative project


The article substantiates the basic principles of creating an innovative educational environment in institutions of higher education as an important factor in ensuring the quality of higher education and competitiveness in the conditions of European integration, which acquires special relevance in the realities of martial law and the post-war period. According to the results of the research of the modern state of innovative activities of higher education institutions, in particular, based on the analysis of scientific works and legal documents, the authors consider the innovative educational environment as conditions for training students of higher education, conducting fundamental and applied scientific research in higher education institutions. The features of the innovative educational environment of higher education institutions are characterized, in particular, the following are defined: education is: implementation of innovative educational innovations and projects; development and use of fundamentally new progressive pedagogical methods and forms of organization of the educational process; the use of innovative technologies in the management of educational institutions and a flexible system of training teaching staff to carry out professional activities in the conditions of an innovative environment. A characteristic feature of the creation of an innovative educational environment is the value aspect: educational innovations should be based on universal human values and be aimed at the formation of universal human values in students of higher education Special attention was paid in the study to the personality of the teacher of a higher education institution as an organizer of the educational environment, in particular, the authors defined innovativeness as competence and innovative thinking as an important prerequisite for the readiness of a scientific and pedagogical worker to participate in innovative activities and create an effective educational process in the conditions of innovative changes.


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How to Cite

Horash, K. V., & Bodnar, A. M. (2023). FEATURES OF CREATING AN INNOVATIVE ENVIRONMENT IN AN INSTITUTION OF HIGHER EDUCATION. Professional and Applied Didactics, (1), 29–34. https://doi.org/10.37406/2521-6449/2023-1-5

