veterinary pharmacology, teaching, modern trends, foreign language, mobility, partnersAbstract
The impact of the war on education in our country is an issue that needs analysis and discussion, as the cultural future of the country as a whole and future generations depends on it. Today, the knowledge of foreign languages is, first of all, the key to success and new opportunities that open up to a person and make his physical and spiritual world much better, more interesting, and, in the conditions of globalization processes taking place in the modern world society, it is simply a necessary component of the professional activity of a specialist at any level, in any field. The rapid flow of the flow of society, associated with the educational and economic situation, the development of advanced technologies, the modernity of each in particular, which requires new, more adapted, integrated, mobile requirements for the professional training of future specialists from various specialties and the timeliness of the veterinary direction. Today, in the conditions of war, graduates of agricultural educational institutions who are capable of revealing their own potential and self-realization are valuable. Therefore, scientific and pedagogical workers face a great responsibility and the ability to apply professional skills and knowledge, to choose the right algorithm of mastery of information presentation and approach to each future specialist. Because, thanks to the teacher, the country receives self-sufficient, competitive and self-confident specialists.
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