agricultural education, peasantry, agrarian policy, public agronomy, socio-economic societiesAbstract
The article examines the main ideas of the formation of public agronomy as a socio-economic phenomenon in the organization of agricultural production in Ukrainian lands before and after the end of the First World War. Based on the results of a retrospective analysis, the author described the social and agronomic activity in Ukraine (in the first quarter of the 20th century) and defined and characterized the principles of private ownership, self-organization, self-help, initiative and self-activity of agricultural producers united in economic and public organizations; the types and content of assistance to producers from the government and representative authorities, ensuring collegiality and consistency in the work of agronomic organizations, compliance of their activity program with the economic policy of the state, plans for the reconstruction of agriculture in the country and a specific district are disclosed; support of mass agriculture, all economic entities and preservation of priority for small farms. The system of assistance measures to agricultural producers from the government and representative authorities, public agricultural associations for the organization of agricultural production and improvement of agrarian culture is characterized; creation of effective agro-business management, service, sales and processing infrastructure of the agrarian market; ensuring the active participation of agricultural producers in the improvement of their own economy and the development of socially organized forms of economic life; formation of relations between participants of the agricultural market economy and state-public regulation of agricultural production. The organizational form of public agronomy became the agronomic service, which from individual measures aimed at organizing and rationalizing farms and industries at the beginning of the 20-th century. moved to the complex reconstruction of agriculture in the 20s and 30s of the 20th century.
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