speech, age groups, children, teenagers, adults, older generation, English language, Ukrainian language, translationAbstract
The article examines the linguistic features of the characters of different age groups in the television series "Parenthood" and the specifics of their reproduction in the Ukrainian translation. Language is not just a mean of communication, but an important element in the formation of complete and true images of characters. Characteristic features of the characters, their age, social status, cultural environment and emotional state are revealed through language features. Different age groups – children, teenagers, adults and older generation – have unique language differences that reflect the peculiarities of their worldview and life experience. The study draws attention to the variability of speech depending on the age group, revealing how cultural and social factors influence the characters speech. Children's speech is characterized by simplicity, immediacy and great emotionality, which helps convey their sincerity and openness. Teenagers actively use slang, abbreviations and modern language trends, which emphasizes their need for self-expression and desire for independence. The language of adults is characterized by more complex syntactic constructions, a wealth of specialized vocabulary that reflects their professional and life experience. The speech of representatives of the older generation often contains archaisms and a rich vocabulary, which indicates many years of experience and commitment to traditional values. Interpreting the speech of each age group is complex and requires an individual approach. It is important not only to convey the meaning, but also to preserve the style, pace and tone of each character so that they remain authentic and recognizable. The translator must take into account the presence of slang expressions for teenagers or archaic words for the older generation. This approach helps to preserve naturalness in communication and faithfully recreate characters' personalities, taking into account cultural and social contexts.
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