beet, yield, fertilizer, hybrid, productivityAbstract
The results are presented in the article the effect of mineral fertilizers on the yield of root crops of table beet in the soil and climatic conditions of the Western Forest Steppe of Ukraine. It is established that mineral fertilizers give a significant increase in the yield of beet root crops compared to the control. The highest yields were provided by the variants N45P90K135 and N45P135K90 for the two investigated hybrids. Thus, in the Manolo F1 hybrid, the yield of root crops averaged 61.69-64.67 t/ha in 2022-2023, and in the Bresco F1 hybrid, it was 65.38–67.87 t/ha, respectively. The variants with N135P90K45 and N90P135K45 showed a slight increase in productivity compared to the control. The use of increased rates of potash fertilizers increased the yield of root crops of table beet, and when their number decreased, a large number of small root crops was formed, as a result of which the yield decreased. It was determined that the yield of standard root crops in beets of table hybrid Bresco F1 was lower than that of hybrid Manolo F1. The highest yield of standard root crops was 87.27% when using a dose of mineral fertilizers (N45P90K135) and on average this figure reached 82.06% for the Manolo F1 hybrid. For the Bresco F1 hybrid, these indicators were 83.31% in the variant (N45P90K135) and reached 76.96% on average. Studies have shown that the content of dry matter in the root crops of the Bresco F1 hybrid was higher compared to the Manolo F1 hybrid. The introduction of mineral fertilizers contributed to the accumulation of dry matter in the roots of the Bresco F1 hybrid to 15.4%, and the Manolo F1 hybrid to 14.6%. The highest sugar content in root crops was noted in the Manolo F1 hybrid in the (N45P90K135) variant and was 11.5%, in the Bresco F1 hybrid, the variant (N90P45K135) was also the best – 12.3%. It should also be noted that fertilizers improved the quality of beet root crops and increased the content of dry matter and sugars in the roots. Thus, based on the complex and ratio of the studied indicators, it is possible to recommend the Bresco F1 hybrid for growing in this zone.
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