


potato, variety, diseases, resistance, productivity


Obtaining safe food products requires reducing the use of chemicals, and the main attention is given to genetics and breeding. Cultivation of varieties resistant to harmful organisms is of significant ecological importance, and also contributes to the growth of the yield of agricultural crops, including a potato. Supplying potato organs with nutrients creates favorable conditions for the development of many pathogens of various etiologies both during the growing season and during storage of the crop in storage. The resistance of potato varieties, depending on the influence of biotic and abiotic factors, may decrease. That is why the search for the most resistant potato varieties to various pathogens in specific soil and climatic conditions is quite relevant. The article highlights the results according to the resistance of potato varieties of foreign selection, which are different in maturity groups, to the pathogens of the most common diseases. Research was conducted in the conditions of the Zhytomyr region during 2021–2023 according to the following scheme: a group of early-ripening varieties: Dnipriyanka (control), Riviera, Vineta, Bellarosa; group of mid-early varieties: Strumok (control), Fabula, Silvana, Innovator; group of medium-ripening varieties: Zoryana (control), Donata, Sagita, Granada. Potato varieties of Ukrainian breeding served as a control option. The analysis of the studied potatoes varieties during the growing season showed that the structure of diseases of the vegetative mass differed slightly, depending on the maturity group of the variety. The dominant position in the structure of diseases of all potato varieties was occupied by Phytophthora. Diseases such as Alternaria, wet bacterial rot, and viral diseases were also diagnosed. Depending on the varietal characteristics and maturity group, the development of late blight during the growing season ranged from 20,6 to 36,3%, and Alternaria – 20,1–28,9%. For all studied potato varieties of foreign selection, yield growth by 1,5–19,5% was obtained, compared to control varieties of Ukrainian selection for each maturity group. Phytopathological analysis of potato tubers of all studied varieties showed the development of such diseases as late blight, dry rot, common scab and ditylenchosis. The degree of damage of each of the studied diseases varied depending on the ripeness group and varietal characteristics of the plants.


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