nigella sowing (Nigella sativa L.), varieties, yield, crop structure, fatty acid composition of the oilAbstract
The article presents the results of a comprehensive evaluation of nigella sowing varieties in the agro-climatic conditions of the Western Forest Steppe. It was determined that the yield of nigella sowing varieties in the conditions of the Western Forest Steppe was quite high and varied from 1.20 to 1.41 t/ha. The highest productivity of nigella sowing was observed in Ivolga and Bereginia varieties, the yield of which was 1.39 and 1.41 t/ha, respectively. The largest number of pods (17.3 pcs.) was formed in Ivolga and Bereginya varieties, while the number of seeds in one pod in these varieties was 84.0 and 86.4 pcs. The largest number of seeds in one box was of the Legend variety and amounted to 106.0 pcs. The Ivolga and Bereginia varieties had the highest productivity per plant, the weight of seeds from one plant was 2.77 and 2.47 g, respectively. The Ivolga variety had the largest seeds, the mass of 1000 seeds of which was 3.11 g. It should be noted thatthe highest stability index was distinguished by the varieties Legend, Faraon and Bereginya, the value of which was 2.15 and 2.12, respectively, which characterizes the entire complex of biological properties of the varieties and their adaptive capabilities under different climatic conditions of cultivation. The varieties Legenda (40.86%), Bereginya (40.76%) and Diana (40.57%) stood out in terms of seed oiliness. Conducting a qualitative analysis of nigella sowing pods showed that the fatty acid composition of the oil is dominated by the content of linoleic acid, the percentage of which varied from 59.99 to 64.79% depending on the variety. The content of linolenic acid was minimal and amounted to only 0.38–0.82%. The highest content of this acid (0.82 and 0.76%) was in the oil of the Ivolga and Pharaoh varieties. The share of oleic acid ranged from 19.42% in the Diana variety to 25.49% in the Pharaoh variety. The content of saturated palmitic and stearic acids was 11.9-12.74 and 2.98-3.75%, respectively. Moreover, the maximum value of palmitic acid was noted in the Legend variety (12.92%), stearic acid in the Znaharka variety (3.75%). Thus, nigella sowing under the conditions of the Western Forest Steppe is a promising crop for oil purposes and as a valuable source of essential omega-6 and omega-9 fatty acids.
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