land, land resources, land use, economic function, land ownership, state administrationAbstract
Economic transformations in Ukraine largely determined the importance and meaning of land resources management and land use. This is due to the fact that land, in addition to its traditional properties (means of production, territorial base, natural body, etc.), has become an object of legal relations and real estate. Studying and developing measures to improve the land management system as an economic function of land ownership in various socio-economic societies is an extremely important task, as they play almost the most important role in the system of economic relations. The system of measures to take into account the environmental factor in land policy includes three groups of methods and tools for the formation and regulation of ecological land use: preservation of valuable territories by methods of land management and urban planning, formation of restrictions and regulations in the use of land and other natural resources, as well as regulation of land use; implementation of methods of economic influence on land users, which violate established restrictions and regimes of territory use, as well as nature protection and land legislation; establishment of land and environmental payments adequate to the natural value of the territory and the degree of harmful influence of land users on land and other natural resources. The economic essence of land resource management in the conditions of reforming the economy of agrarian land use consists in substantiating measures aimed at increasing the efficiency of land use as an economic resource, which is implemented as the state’s land policy is implemented. The following are highlighted from many areas: distribution of land by types and forms of property rights, as well as sustainability of land use as an object of management and nature management; distribution of land according to intended purpose and permitted use; establishment of appropriate land use regimes; formation of an environmentally safe and economically efficient structure of land use. The article presents the results of research into the main directions of improving land resources management and land use. It is noted that it is in the conditions of reforming the economy of agrarian land use, which consists in the justification of measures aimed at increasing the efficiency of the use of land as an economic resource, which is implemented in the course of the implementation of the land policy of the state.
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