black seed, seed yield, cost of gross production, cultivation costs, conditional net profit, level of profitability, gross energy gain, energy efficiency ratio.Abstract
Today, there is an opportunity to grow crops atypical for the zone in the conditions of the Western Forest Steppe, which are capable of providing high productivity and a significant economic effect. One of the crops that would be advisable to grow from an economic point of view, and in terms of the unpretentiousness of the culture to growing conditions, is black seed (nigella sativa L.). The purpose of the research was to establish the influence of the sowing period, the seeding rate and the method of application of the plant growth regulator on the growth, development, and yield of seeds of black seed in the conditions of the Western Forest Steppe. On the basis of records, observations and analyzes of the obtained results of the developed elements of culture cultivation technology, the task of the study was to determine and justify the economic and energy assessments, taking into account the studied factors and regional conditions. The article presents the results of studies that reflect the yield of black seeds and indicators of the economic and energy efficiency of the studied factors. Calculations of the economic and energy efficiency of growing black seed made it possible to evaluate all variants and select the optimal ones that will provide high economic indicators in relation to optimal productivity. The cost of gross production at the maximum seed yield of 1.31 t/ha, which was obtained on the variant of sowing in the second decade of April with a seeding rate of 12 kg/ha, was UAH 196,500/ha, which ensured a conditional net profit at the level of UAH 166,800/ha and the level profitability of 561%, however, with a seed yield of 1.27 t/ha, a slightly higher level of profitability was obtained, which was 168%. In an experiment with the use of growth regulators, the optimal gross energy output from one hectare of black seed was 12,320–12,808 MJ, and the energy efficiency ratio was 2.60–2.74 in the variants of spraying with the drug Vermystim D and treating seeds with the growth regulator Regoplant.
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