apple tree, frost resistance, shoots, generative bud, contour pruning, pruning term.Abstract
To estimate the risk of frosts is critical for the production of fruits and for horticulture as a whole. And minimal air temperatures can cause the damage of fruit plantations. The purpose of the research was to identify the frost resistance of the cultivars, when different techniques and terms of pruning were applied to the apple trees on dwarf rootstock M.9., T337, and to determine the ability of the trees, cvs. Gala (Mitchgla), Golden Delicious (Clone Б) and Johnagold (Vilmuta) to survive at minus temperatures and to resist the unfavorable winter conditions. The research aimed at studying the frost resistance was conducted in the years of 2017 – 2018; a frosting degree of all parts of a tree was determined for each cultivar, namely, a bark on a trunk and on skeleton branches and wood freezing; along with this, the estimation of generative bud freezing and a total degree of tree freezing was made. The paper contains the results of the research concerning the effect of the pruning technique and terms on the frost resistance of shoot tissue and generative buds of the trees, cvs. (Mitchgla), Golden Delicious (clone Б) and Johnagold (Vilmuta), grown on rootstock М.9 Т337 in the irrigated orchard. It was found out that shoots and generative buds of the studied cultivars appeared to be vulnerable to damage when traditional pruning was applied. Tissues of the middle and upper part of a shoot turned to be resistant to frost. The least freezing was recorded when contour pruning was done in a phase of pink cone and after harvesting; all this led to the best frost resistance of the tissues as compared with other treatments. Based on the results of the studying of all pomological cultivars, it is to be stated that the least damage is typical for the treatment of contour pruning: also the cambium tissues of a tree are less damaged in the term of a pink cone phase and after harvesting. As our research proves, the tissues of a cambium layer of the studied pomological cultivars are more frost resistance; this factor depends on several conditions though, namely, a tree age, a cultivar, farm practices, climate.
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