


blood, albumin, globulin, calcium, phosphorus


Today’s poultry industry uses various is means to predict the productivity of hens, are using internal indicators – the biochemical composition of the blood of birds in different age periods. The hematological studies of poultry blood are particularly important, due to the fact that blood takes part in all physiological processes of the body. The main products of laying hens are eggs and meat, the production of which consumes is impotent part of proteins. The dynamics of the level of protein and protein fractions in the blood serum are interrelated with the productivity is of poultry, and are important for the prediction of performance. The level of productivity of poultry and the dynamics of laying hens are fully reflected in the blood compositions. The scientific research of the studied is biochemical composition of the blood of laying hens of different breeds in the productive period: 20, 45 and 75 weeks. In composition blood of laying hens characterize the functioning of all body systems and are related to the productivity of the poultry. The intensity of metabolic processes in the blood increases during the period of intense growth and development of the body, as well as during the egg-laying period of hens, this leads to an increase or decrease of certain blood parameters in accordance with the productivity of the bird at different age periods. The scientific research revealed is the highest amount of total protein and globulins in the blood of 20-week-old hens, which indicates an intensive synthesis of proteins at the beginning of laying egg by the hen’s body. A significant part of calcium was contained in the blood of 45-week-old laying hens of the cross Hisex Brown (5.11 mmol/l) and Hisex White (5.02 mmol/l), the smallest – in the bird of the cross Hy-Line Brown (4.21 mmol/l). Similar changes occurred with the amount of phosphorus in the blood, which can indicate a high reproductive capacity of the hens, if its blood contains an increased amount of minerals – calcium and phosphorus. The results scientific research of biochemical indicators of the blood of the researched crosses of laying hens indicate that the body of a highly productive hens is characterized by an intensive exchange of proteins, carbohydrates and minerals. The physiological periodizations is a functioning and the hen’s body is a reflected in the age-related changes in the biochemical composition of the blood, which is clearly manifested in hens.


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