management, administration, social services, quality management, social order, risks of social order, innovative method of providing social servicesAbstract
The domestic experience of social assistance to vulnerable segments of the population, foreign innovative projects to support vulnerable categories of the population have become the foundation on which the development of social work and the development of the infrastructure of social institutions, which has its own characteristics due to the experience of the past and the influence of modern world trends, has been taking place in recent decades. Reforming the system always begins with certain changes in the management system. Therefore, modernization of the system of providing social services to the population, management of the quality of social services, and the effectiveness of social service processes for citizens largely depends on the effectiveness of management activities. The article improves the quality management system of providing social services. The issue of increasing the responsibility of the management and motivation of the staff in matters of ensuring the administrative management of the quality of social services was considered. It has been established that the use of an innovative method of providing social services in practical administrative management of the quality of social services may be a perspective. It can be attributed to social order. This is essentially a set of measures of a legal and economic nature, the implementation of psychological-educational and medical-rehabilitation measures, which are directed at certain groups of consumers of such services. Difficult life circumstances directly depend on modern social deformations and risks, the scale of which affects the population is expanding in today's conditions. An example of such risks can be the loss of a permanent source of income, the onset of incapacity due to illness, an accident, old age, the death of a breadwinner, etc. As a rule, social risks depend to a small extent on the behavior of an individual, since they are determined mainly by socio-economic conditions, arise as a result of certain events and have a permanent, predictable nature, are the basis for a person to acquire the right to receive social services.
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