


quality characteristics of carcasses, marbling of beef, bulls


The article presents the results of a study of the relationship between marbling (fat inclusions in the middle of the muscles) of beef and slaughter performance, morphological composition, and quality traits of carcasses in crossbred bulls from Ukrainian Black-and- White dairy cows (UBWDС) and Holstein bulls (H). Determining the relationship between the marbling of beef and its qualitative traits in widespread crossbreds from Ukrainian Black-and-White dairy and Holstein cattle is relevant. The aim of the work was to establish a correlation between the marbling of beef and the morphological composition and quality traits of 26 carcasses from 20–22-month-old bulls of the farm “Zhuravushka”, Brovary district, Kyiv region. The animals were slaughtered in the slaughterhouse of Kalynivka village. The live weight of the animals before slaughter was determined by weighing them before and after a 24-hour fast with free access to water. After slaughtering, the development of fat on the carcasses and their conformation (meatiness) were assessed according to the Commission Regulation system (EC, 2008). The marbling of m. longissimus dorsi, the color of muscle and adipose tissue were examined in accordance with the Japan Meat Grading Association standard (2000). The data obtained indicate a positive significant (P>0,95) correlation between the marbling of beef and the percentage of muscle tissue (r=0,576), and bones in the carcass (r=0,638), the development of adipose tissue on the carcass (r=0,661), the color of beef (r=0,644), and negative with the percentage of tendons and ligaments (r=-0,742). There is a tendency for an inverse correlation between the marbling of beef and slaughter yield (carcass), the percentage of muscle tissue of the highest and first grades, adipose tissue, the area of the “muscle eye”, positive with the percentage of muscle tissue of the second grade, the conformation (meatiness) of carcasses and the thickness of subcutaneous fat on them. The results can be used for sorting carcasses of crossbred bulls from Ukrainian Black-and-White cows and Holstein dairy bulls according to the intended purpose, taking into account the relationship between the marbling of m. longissimus dorsi beef and the quality characteristics of carcasses.


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