


vegetable pea, leaf area, varieties, photosynthetic potential, assimilation surface, interphase period


Providing the population with ecologically clean food products rich in protein is important. One of the crops that can play an important role in solving this problem is green peas. Increasing and ensuring the stability of crop yields, including vegetable peas, in the system of agrotechnical and organizational measures, the leading place belongs to varietal seeds, through which the potential capabilities of the variety are realized, in the case of sowing with low-quality seeds, the productive variety gives a low yield. The article presents the results of research on the growth of above-ground mass of plants, leaf surface, photosynthetic potential of sowing, net productivity, general and active symbiotic potential, elements of crop structure, yield and quality of seeds depending on the studied factors. Correlations between these indicators and yield were determined. It was established that the highest indicators of the leaf surface area at the beginning of the formation of beans were obtained in the varieties of vegetable peas Sherwood – 53.04 thousand m2, Sienna – 50.74, Glorivert – 47.94, Vinko – 44.23, Vivado – 44.28, AmalfiI – 42.42, while in the control variety Luschylnyi – 42.49 thousand m2, the lowest area of leaves was in the Amalfi variety – 42.42 thousand m2. The photosynthetic potential of pea plants reached its maximum value at the end of the flowering phase. By varieties, it grew from Vinko to Sherwood. According to the variants of sowing dates depending on the soil temperature at the depth of seed wrapping, it was better to reach a temperature of 4...6°С. A similar regularity was observed in terms of leaf area in the varieties, it increased from Hermes to Selene, and among the variants of the sowing dates – when the soil temperature at the depth of seed wrapping was 4...6°С.


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