rural areas, rural green tourism, economic development, social development, environmental development, quality of life, diversificationAbstract
Rural green tourism plays a key role in shaping the sustainable development of rural areas of Ukraine, integrating economic, social and environmental aspects of regional development. Its significance lies in creating opportunities for diversification of economic activity in the countryside, improving the quality of life of the local population and preserving the environment. This type of activity is a powerful economic driver for the comprehensive development of rural areas. One of the main advantages is the growth of incomes of local residents and attracting additional financial resources through tourism flows. This supports not only the development of small and medium-sized businesses, but also the creation of new jobs, which is a factor in preventing internal and external migration of the rural population. One of the important results of the development of rural green tourism is the improvement of the social structure of the village. Rural tourism contributes to the preservation and popularization of local traditions and culture, which stimulates the revival of folk crafts, folklore, cuisine. This becomes a powerful driver for the development of local cultural initiatives and increasing self-awareness, creates opportunities for the integration of young people into the local economy. Rural youth and young professionals can work in agritourism, thereby remaining in their native villages and receiving decent earnings. Due to the growth of socio-economic activity, social tension decreases, social responsibility increases, and the activity of local residents increases. Rural green tourism is an internal mechanism for ensuring the comprehensive development of rural areas. Due to its potential to stimulate economic, social and environmental development, it contributes to raising the standard of living of local residents, creating new jobs, preserving cultural heritage and improving the environmental condition of the population in rural communities. Given these advantages, it is important to promote the development of this type of economic activity in the countryside, creating favorable conditions for investment, training and cooperation at all levels.
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